
I recently encountered the story of Rengetsu (1791-1875) — a Japanese Buddhist nun with an extraordinary story. She was the love child of a geisha and a high ranking samurai. At 10 days old she was adopted by new parents. As a teen she was called to serve as an attendant at Kameoka Castle, and...
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It seems to me that humans occupy two worlds at the same time. One is the external physical world, the other is our inner psychic world — the world of our inner consciousness. As we explore the physical world, we encounter other beings who seem to have an inner world like ours: fellow humans, and animals, such...
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Mighty is geometry — joined with art, irresistible. — Euripides (480-406 BCE) The idea of ‘Sacred Geometry’ is that mathematics can be beautiful. For example, here’s one of the most famously beautiful equations in mathematics: eiπ + 1 = 0 It’s called “Euler’s Identity,” after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783, pronounced “OIL-er”) who first...
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Introduction Spiritual alchemy uses the quest for turning physical base metals into gold as a metaphor for the path of transforming the ‘base’ human soul into the ‘gold’ of enlightenment and our best/highest selves. Rooted in mystical and philosophical teachings, it is the art of transmuting the soul, leading to spiritual enlightenment and inner transformation....
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